
New Home - Web Development Project

New home website

New Home is a real estate content management system (CMS). It was developed as part of my exam project for a Web Development module of my BA in Web Development course. The module focused on Javascript , AJAX, JSON and to a lesser extent on PHP.

The project required me to design a property management system using JS/jQuery and AJAX. It was to be only 1 page (excluding external libraries) and all the CSS, HTML and JS had to be in the same file. New Home utilizes a text file database and JSON instead of a traditional database.

This project was my first major Javascript project, besides Sim Garden, and has taught me heaps about JS/jQuery and also introduced me to AJAX and various other technologies along the way.

You can visit the New Home website here. To get the most out of the website you can login using u/n:123 p/w:123